Our Solutions

Transaction Point:

Transaction Point is a robust software application developed for financial institutions to enhance the Core Banking operations by seamlessly automating the processes end –to-end.  This application allows electronic channels such as Internet, mobile, automated teller machine (ATM). Beyond this, this application offers up to speed process of loan application and disbursement management, savings portfolio, and other financial services.


A robust IPSAS Based Accounting Software for the Public Sector. Currently running in Kogi State, tested in Anambra. In collaboration with PAACO-PCL, Aggregate Business Solutions developed the G+ Pro, an accounting software for the public sector that is based on the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS).


This is an Automated Filing and archiving Management Information System. It is a solution developed to automate the archiving of files and documents. This solution makes it safer and easier to locate file/documents system. Documents can be uploaded to the system using high-end scanner. The most powerful features includes

  • The Search: Which allows one to search for documents by remembering any keyword from the document
  • The File Movement module: Which allows a user to search for files and drop on virtual desk of other users.

Card Portal

This portal consists of E-Products management modules for Transaction Alert, ATM card request, ATM Hot listing module and credit management reports for credit administration and ATM Card Production Modules. It also integrates fully with banks to validate and give immediate feed-back on account information. The ATM interface also integrates with the Postillion system to provide external hotlist capabilities and ATM PAN validation and other services.

Aggregate HR

The Aggregate HR (Human Resource) Solution is a solution developed to cater for both public and private sector human resources management needs. It keeps tracks of all activities relating to a staff throughout his/her time at an organization. Printing Pay slip, Promotion, Welfare, Demotion, Transfers, Trainings are all catered for in this solution.


Managing your workforce correctly and maximizing their skills, knowledge behaviors and performance is essential and is key to any business success.

Performance Management System

Aggregate Performance Management System is a solution that was developed to facilitate the attainment of individual and corporate goals. Our Performance Management System enables you to track and monitor the performance of individual employees, departments, and the organization overall. Our solution covers the entire performance appraisal life cycle from the setting up of objectives and goals of the organization to feedback of staff performance and recommendation for skills upgrade. Aggregate Performance Management system is a complete package.

Procurement Solution

The Procurement Solution (PS) is a solution developed to cater for both public and private sector in conducting their procurement relationships with suppliers/vendors for the acquisition of goods, works, and consultancy services required by the public sector.

Aggregate Capture

Aggregate filing solution provides necessary platform for setting up a virtual filling system for the purpose of automating management of physical file access, usage and movement within organization and even outside the organization.

It is an automated system collecting historical documents or records providing information about Aggregate document stores, group, sub-group and file specification base on their category in the system.

Transaction Alert System

This solution which was built to integrate with the core banking application of Unity Bank handled transaction alerts and consisted of a Credit Exception Alert System, Large Transactions Tracking Alert System and an Email Notification System.


AAPlus is an accounting software for the Private Sector which is based on the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS).

Web School

This product was built for Unity Bank to fully automate the collection process between the bank and schools that access their banking services. It enables the bank to offer value added services to the school in areas of online
admission, registration, and full automation of the result management process.

Unattended Services: 

This system consisted of a Remote ATM Card blocking service which enabled transaction alert customers to remotely block there cards with their handsets, a Dormant Account Notification System, Automatic Birthday Greeting Alert System, New Account Opening Notification Alert System and an Oracle ERP Approval Tracking Alert System.